Professional Coaching.

We believe that coaching is significant in individuals, teams and organisations achieving success. Whether you’re a manager making the move to a senior position, an experienced executive at board level or simply looking to improve your personal impact, coaching can generate long-lasting and effective improvements to your work and life.

We have a combined 20 years of coaching experience across most sectors and can help you develop the personal capability to help you fulfil your potential.

To support our coaching practice we’re accredited and licensed practitioners of Myers Briggs, Insights, Strenghtscope & Saville WAVE profiling diagnostic tools. We are a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) and subscribe to the EMCC’s code of ethics (see


What coaching means to me…

Stephen Brown

Creative Coach, Coach Educator & Supervisor

Coaching is about more than personal development, it’s an intervention that for many (myself included) can be fundamental in the way you approach your career and broader life. Having taken inspiration from many coaching philosophies, what informs my coaching practice more than anything else is the belief that people are capable, they just sometimes require stimulus to find the answer to the question or the solution to the problem.

The interference we experience at work and at home makes it’s hard to find the time and space to reflect, and as human beings we don’t often like to be made to think, it’s hard work. But when we are afforded that thinking time, we build a level of awareness that enables behavioural changes to positively impact our performance and wellbeing.

As a coach it’s my job to ask you the questions you haven’t or perhaps haven’t wanted to ask yourself, whilst creating a safe space for you to be creative in your thinking and reflection.

I also work creatively with sound and music in coaching and supervision. If you would like to know more, please get in touch.

Stephen is accredited by the EMCC at Senior Practitioner Level.