Comfort for those of us home-schooling

Courtesy of Matthew Syed…

Do you know why schools have the type of timetable they do? The rigid blocks of time allocated to specific subjects, interspersed with breaks of an exact duration?

It was introduced about 100 years ago to provide the structure believed necessary to prepare children for their most likely career. One in a factory. Where time, order and rules were the basis of efficient production lines.

This is even why schools have bells apparently. It was originally to ensure the children were used to changing tasks as a bell rings.

So, if you are on home school Day 2 and struggling to stick to a timetable, don’t worry too much. The skills our children will need in the future are going to be resilience and the flexibility to cope with a rapidly changing world. This uncertain time provides a chance to reflect on how children learn best and to find a way of adapting to that. At home we have the opportunity to explore this.

You can find Matthew Syed on instagram (@matthewsyedauthor) and check out his new book, Rebel Ideas.


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